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  • Stocks (abundance and biomass) of the slipper limpet Crepidula fornicata Linnaeus, 1758 in the Pertuis Charentais shallows were estimated in 2011 and mapped (Sauriau et al., 2011). The influence of the estimate includes the Pertuis Breton, the eastern part Pertuis Antioch Fouras peninsula and the Bay of Marennes-Oléron where the latter earlier estimates are available. Contours and surface areas of the crepidula were previously determined by acoustic imaging performed aboard the VO/Haliotis in 2008 and 2009, interpreted and validated by spot sampling in 2009 (Curti, 2009). Sampling stocks of 2011 is based on a stratified random sample of 40 banks with a proportional distribution of sampling of 200 stations between banks. The listing for each crepidula bank stocks (abundance in millions, biomass in tonnes) both living and dead, these shells may provide support to potential new colonization.

  • The systematic swath bathymetric mapping of the Mediterranean Sea started in the mid-nineties. This mapping has considerably modified our understanding of the morphology of the Mediterreanean Sea and of the various active geological processes (sedimentary, tectonic, volcanic, bio-geochemical processes) which participate to the seafloor morphology.

  • Multimission altimetry-derived gridded from Ssalto/Duacs products backward-in-time Finite Size Lyapunov Exponents and Orientations of associated eigenvectors

  • Regional heat content change over the Atlantic Ocean with the space geodetic approach : "4DAtlantic-OHC" The Ocean Heat Content ("OHC") is estimated from the measurement of the thermal expansion of the ocean based on differences between the total sea-level content derived from altimetry measurements and the mass content derived from gravimetry data, noted “altimetry-gravimetry”. Users will be mainly interested in: - Monthly gridded Atlantic Ocean heat content change - OHC trends and their uncertainties

  • Auxiliary product : mean sea profile above T/P reference ellipsoid. This surface is available on a regular grid (1/60°x1/60°, 1 minute). Another grid provides the estimation of error fields which represent the MSS accuracy estimated through the inverse technique.

  • Multivariate Inversion of Ocean Surface Topography- Internal Tide (MIOST-IT) Model products. MIOST-IT database includes 4 tidal components for the ocean internal tide surface elevations. Each tidal component is described by 2 grids (amplitude and phase) provided on a cartesian grid 1/10°x1/10°. - The internal tide elevations for the four tidal frequencies M2, S2, K1, O1, are available for download. - The tidal prediction code is also available to download.

  • Sediment substrate map at 1 : 1 000 000 of the French metropolitan EEZ produced in the work-package 3 the European project EMODNet Geology, phase 2. And additionnal informations on index and confidence of original maps.

  • An inventory of mäerl ( unfixed red marine algae Corallinaceae with calcified arbuscular thalli) is taken in the Pertuis Charentais using the compilation of historical data and new observations over the period 2006-2012. The geographic extent of the inventory includes Pertuis Breton, Antioch and Maumusson, extends from the Lay estuary in the north to the Bay of Marennes-Oléron in the south and includes the edges of the islands of Ré, Oléron and Aix. Contributing to this inventory are, surveys DCE 2006 DCE, control monitoring DCE 2007 to 2012 under the aegis of Ifremer and Agences de l’Eau Loire-Bretagne and Adour-Garonne, surveys conducted for the Port Atlantique La Rochelle on the site of dredge spoil deposits in Lavardin from 2007 to 2012, surveys in 2007 FONSOLE by Ifremer and the surveys by Ifremer and laboratory LIENSs to map the crepidula stocks in the Pertuis Charentais Sea. Adding specific surveys conducted in 2011 by the ship Estran by dredge on subtidal bottom sediments of Pertuis Breton and intertidal quadrat in 2012 on the periphery of the islands of Ré, Oléron and along the cliffs of Aytré. The positioning of ground truthing stations were identified by GPS or dGPS. Initially identified by samples of the dredged material in October 2009 during the validation of sonar surveys to individualize stocks of crepidula, a live maerl bed is mapped in July 2011 in the harbor of Saint-Martin in Pertuis Breton. Its area is estimated at more than 2 km². Surveys of pedibus jambi conducted at the point of Grouin and Saint-Martin de Ré has confirmed the presence of live maerl scattered on the lower foreshore. This suggests a scattering of live maerl thalli of several tens of km² around the main bed of Saint-Martin. It is also confirmed by the single algological extraction of Phymatolithon calcareum done at the beginning of the twentieth century in Saint-Martin de Ré by Dollfus, probably already on the lower foreshore as observed in 2012 near the Couronneau beacon. Numerous dead maerl thalli in the procress of diagenesis have also been observed in the East and Southeast of Pertuis Breton and Antioch suggesting passive transport by contributions from live beds farther to the West, including Pertuis in Antioch. The presence of live maerl on the lower foreshore is seen very occasionally in the western islands of Oléron (Pointe Chassiron) and Ré (Phare des Baleines) via recent algologiques and fauna surveys. In biogeographic terms, the maerl bed of Pertuis Breton is the easternmost and southernmost of those known in the Bay of Biscay. The nearest mäerl beds known are respectively located in Noirmoutier (Bourgneuf Bay) and Galicia (Spain). These observations complement the atlas mapping of maerl populations in Europe published under the auspices of the OSPAR Convention. They provide a knowledge base for future conservation actions defined locally in the context of Natura 2000 Sea Marine Natural Park of the Gironde estuary and the Pertuis Charentais.

  • The Ocean Heat Content ("OHC") is estimated from the measurement of the thermal expansion of the ocean based on differences between the total sea-level content derived from altimetry measurements and the mass content derived from gravimetry data, noted “altimetry-gravimetry”. The Earth Energy Imbalance ("EEI") indicator is derived from the temporal variations of the ocean heat content, i.e. by calculating its derivative (called the ocean heat uptake). The product is delivered in two distinct files. The main one contains the essential variables like Global Ocean Heat Content, Earth Energy Imbalance time series and their relative variance-covariance matrices. The second file contains more variables than the first product like time series of Ocean Mass, Sea Level et Steric Sea Level change grids. It also includes additional variables that were not used for the Global ocean heat content calculation, such as the Global mean of ocean mass, Global mean sea level and Global mean steric sea level time series, but which may nevertheless be of interest to users. Users will therefore be able to find, among other things : - the regional map of the Ocean Heat Content trends (see image associated with this metadata sheet), - global ocean heat content change time series (representative of the globe within the extent of data availability), - earth energy imbalance time series (from global OHC filtered-out from signals lower than 3 years), - the uncertainties associated with these two datasets.

  • Landslides and gravitational features mapped within French metropolitan EEZ at 1 : 250 000 in the framework of work-package 6 of the european project EMODNet Geology phase 2.